Ajin, Vol. 9


Sato’s bitten. Samuel T. Owen is in the building. The Battle of Forge Safety, which began when demi-humans who aim to upend Japanese society waltzed into an ambush set by those who would deny them the pleasure, reaches its crescendo and conclusion in this volume., Sato’s bitten. Samuel T. Owen is in the building. The Battle of Forge Safety, which began when demi-humans who aim to upend Japanese society waltzed into an ambush set by those who would deny them the pleasure, reaches its crescendo and conclusion in this volume.

Available at Warehouse

Category: Genre: Action Drama Horror Mystery Seinen Tags: , , , , , , , Release Date: April 4, 2017 Publisher: Vertical Printing Type: Paperback ISBN: 9781945054198 Author: Gamon Sakurai Series: Ajin Age Rating: Older Teen