Drifting Classroom, Vol. 6
IN A SINGLE INSTANT, A SCHOOL OF 862 STUDENTS AND STAFF VANISHED FROM THE EARTH. THIS IS THEIR STORY.Out of nowhere, a Japanese elementary school is transported into a hostile world. Soon, the students and teachers must struggle to survive in impossible conditions, besieged by terrifying creatures and beset by madness. Part horror, part science fiction, The Drifting Classroom is a classic can’t-put-down manga series from horror manga master Kazuo Umezu.As a plague spreads through the school, the students fight one another with their last dregs of strength! Will they choose a slow death from disease, or a violent death at the hands of their own classmates? Then, Sho and his friends must venture once more into the wasteland, where rusted ships lie beached forever in the desert that used to be the sea…
Available at Warehouse
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