Go! Go! Loser Ranger!, Vol. 5


It’s the last day of the Ranger promotion exam. After the top five elite recruits joined hands against the rest, D rallied those who were left behind to form a team of his own…and they have a secret weapon that just might even the playing field, the “Burst Form”! A fierce battle breaks out over the “keys” that will determine which five candidates will advance, and convictions are put to the test. Will D finally be promoted to a full member of the Ranger Force and take his first steps toward defeating the Dragon Keepers?

Available at Warehouse

Category: Genre: Action Comedy Sci-Fi Shonen Tags: , , , , , , , Release Date: June 20, 2023 Publisher: Kodansha Printing Type: Paperback ISBN: 9781646516988 Author: Negi Haruba Series: Go! Go! Loser Ranger! Age Rating: Teen