Land of the Lustrous, Vol. 10


An elegant new action manga, Land of the Lustrous is set in a far future Earth, where humanity’s distant descendants live on in a small group of sexless crystalline beings who must fight off an invasion from the Moon.FAILUREAfter failing to get Kongō to pray for the Lunarians, Phosphophyllite returns to the moon to regroup, but Padparadscha has been covered in Cinnabar’s poison, and Yellow Diamond has taken a severe psychological blow. Now Phos must come up with a new plan, but ideas are in short supply. Meanwhile, Cairngorm and the other gems are finding life on the moon to be surprisingly agreeable…, An elegant new action manga, Land of the Lustrous is set in a far future Earth, where humanity’s distant descendants live on in a small group of sexless crystalline beings who must fight off an invasion from the Moon.FAILUREAfter failing to get Kongō to pray for the Lunarians, Phosphophyllite returns to the moon to regroup, but Padparadscha has been covered in Cinnabar’s poison, and Yellow Diamond has taken a severe psychological blow. Now Phos must come up with a new plan, but ideas are in short supply. Meanwhile, Cairngorm and the other gems are finding life on the moon to be surprisingly agreeable…

Available at Warehouse

Category: Genre: Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi Seinen Tags: , , , , , , , , , Release Date: February 25, 2020 Publisher: Kodansha Printing Type: Paperback ISBN: 9781632369154 Author: Haruko Ichikawa Series: Land of the Lustrous Age Rating: Teen

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