Non Non Biyori, Vol. 12


Miyauchi Renge First grader, the youngest of the five students at Asahigaoka Branch School. She only wears the shirt she wore camping on sunny days., Koshigaya Natsumi Seventh grader at Asahigaoka Branch School. When she goes camping, she gets worried that she’ll be bitten by too many mosquitos and run out of blood., Ichijo Hotaru Fifth grade transfer student from Tokyo. Of everyone who went camping, she’s the one who is least bothered by bugs., Koshigaya Komari Eighth grader at Asahigaoka Branch School. Even while camping, she makes sure to steel herself to be a responsible older sister.

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Category: Genre: Comedy Seinen Slice of Life Tags: , , , Release Date: September 3, 2019 Publisher: Seven Seas Printing Type: Paperback ISBN: 9781642754858 Author: Atto Series: Non Non Biyori Age Rating: